Quinnipiac University Community Relations
Two high school students wear surgical gloves and work with a faculty member on a health sciences skill

Middle and High School Students

Gaining College-Level Experience

Resource Type: Academic Enrichment

Age Group: High School

Town Eligibility: All

Quinnipiac offers middle- and high-school students many ways to gain experience in a range of fields of study. From summer camps with hands-on learning experiences to taking courses in your high school that count for college credit, there are a number of ways for youth to explore their interests and passions and learn how to turn them into careers.

Summer Camps

An Early Preview of the College Experience

Quinnipiac designs relevant and engaging summer programs that give pre-college students a chance to grow academically and personally while getting an early taste of the college experience. With past courses covering in-demand topics from podcasting to entrepreneurship and innovation, cybersecurity, healthcare career exploration and digital photography, there's a summer program to appeal to every student's strengths and interests. 

All summer programs offer students the opportunity to:

  • Explore topics of interest at the college level, free from college-level pressure

  • Build a portfolio of work within an academic field of interest

  • Connect personally with Quinnipiac faculty, staff and other students

  • Build high-demand soft skills, such as communication, critical thinking and confidence

  • Earn valuable certifications and experience to add to a resume

2024 topics include cybersecurity, data sciences, digital photography, environmental sciences, eSports, game design, graphic design, healthcare careers, microbiology, movie making, physical and life sciences, public relations, social media and sports journalism.

Learn more and register

QU Academy College Credit Program

Earn High School and College Credit at the Same Time

Accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE), Quinnipiac designed QU Academy to enable dedicated high school students to take college-level courses from the comfort of their high school classrooms.

Taught by high school instructors certified by Quinnipiac, these courses provide a deep, hands-on exploration of subjects that prepare students for success in college and beyond. With a rotating list of courses across the School of Communications and the College of Arts and Sciences, participating students can explore areas of interest while showcasing a dedication to learning that helps their applications stand out in the eyes of college admissions representatives.

With QU Academy, you’ll graduate having:

  • A strong understanding of college-level material

  • An official transcript with transferable college courses and credits from a competitive university

  • An early advantage in your future field of study

Learn more about earning college credits through QU Academy

Sports Camps

Building Skills and Confidence through Competition

Competing at the Division I level, our student-athletes and coaches have unique perspective and expertise in what it takes to succeed — both on and off the field. Come expand your skillset through these unique, limited-run camps through Quinnipiac's athletics department.

Past summer camps through the athletic department have included:

  • All sports and academics

  • Acrobatics and tumbling

  • Baseball

  • Basketball

  • Field hockey

  • Ice hockey

  • Lacrosse

  • Soccer

  • Sports journalism

  • Rugby

  • Tennis

The entire schedule will be announced in the spring on GoBobcats.com

Planning for College While You’re in High School

We've put together a year-by-year action plan we recommend high school students who are interested in college follow to help them navigate the college admission and financial aid process. We encourage high school students to challenge themselves with college-bound, Advanced Placement or college-level courses, participate in extra-curricular activities and connect with their high school guidance counselor each year to reevaluate their plan. Select a year below to read advice and tips.

First Year of High School

Get to know your interests

Begin to think about what areas of interest you are drawn to. Make sure your schedule includes courses in similar areas and add in some elective courses to meet your interests.

  • Tip: To help understand your areas of interest, we recommend you:

    • Take an array of classes, join a few clubs and get a taste for different disciplines, especially things you've never tried before. High school is a great time to start exploring outside of your comfort zone.

    • Talk with people you know and meet. Start with your parents, teachers, coaches, and other mentors. Ask them all about their story. What experiences did they have? What worked for them and what didn't? If they could do it all over, what would they do differently, and what would they make sure they did again? What advice would they give to their younger selves and to you? And don't be afraid to start asking new people you meet. Networking and getting to know new people is a great way to expand your perspective and horizons.

Start to visit colleges and universities

Visit a few local colleges and universities to get a feel for what you like (for instance: large versus small campuses; city versus suburban schools). 

  • Tip: Start a journal dedicated just to college visits. Every time you visit a college, whether for a tour, or simply attend a summer camp, take a few minutes to write down your top likes and dislikes for each university. It'll be a great reference in a couple of years to refresh your memory on how you felt about the college.

Begin to think about your resume

Look at admission requirements for the universities you are interested in. Now is a good time to begin to build your high school resume to meet some of those requirements.

  • Tip: Don't get overwhelmed. You don't have to do everything all at once.

    • Academics: Meet with your high school guidance counselor to make sure you're selecting the right classes to meet all the academic requirements you need over the next four years.

    • Extracurricular experiences: For extracurricular activities, pick a few items to tackle each year of high school. And don't forget, summer can be a great time to fill in areas of experience you need, such as volunteering, part-time work or participating in an enriching summer camp.

Don't hesitate to reach out to high school counselor and college admission counselors directly. These professionals are here to help make the process as clear as possible.

Plan a Visit

Take a Tour, Attend an Info Session or Open House

Prospective parents and families are invited with their prospective undergraduate student to explore our stunning campuses, experience our expansive and inclusive communities, get a feel for our immersive academic programs and meet engaged and invested faculty and students.
